Anyway You Slice It by Maveness
'Chloe knows, but half the fun is in the telling.' (pg-13)

Someone to Watch Over Me by SullivanLane
'Clark would always remember her that way, despite all that they had gone through.'  (pg)

Witness by Amy
'Before she could formulate any words, her
best friend was gone in a blur of light.' (pg)

A Faustian Bargain by Medie
'Chloe Sullivan puts it together...and finds herself with a choice to make.'  (g, stargate crossover)

A Definition of Power by Hope
'Since Chloe was being irrational anyway, why not go for the Unreasonable Hall of Fame?' (pg-13, s3 spoilers)

Americana Tails by Regina
'Chloe. Seriously. You宋e known about me for almost a year now, and I宋e spent the majority of that year doing your bidding.' (pg)

Fixate by JollyCynic
'When Chloe finds out, it's not Clark who makes her blood boil.' (pg-13, s3 spoilers)

Moment by Huffy the Campfire Slayer
'Chloe and Clark exchange their secrets and Clark ponders how the two of them can be walking such parallel paths, yet be on such different journeys.' (nc-17)

Windfall by Wiccid Sister
'An encounter in Burnham Woods leads to a discovery.'  (nc-17)

Countdown to the Inevitable by Tara O'Shea
'She'd known for seven years, four months, seventeen days, five hours, and twelve minutes by the time he finally figured out that she knew.'  (pg)

Twist by Chiriru
'Her own curosity had made her hang on to the ring; it was her fault that he had it. She had to stop Clark before he hurt himself because of it.' (pg-13)

My Immortal by Paperbkryter
'She was tired of watching him bleed to death.' (nc-17)


Contributor Links:
* An Unexpected Snow
* Chiriru.Net
* Comma Issues
* Crimson Idealist
* Lightstar Designs
* LJC's Little Corner
* LondonRain.Net
* Maveness Delights
* Sarcastic Ramblings w/Regina
* Secrets-and-Lies.Com
* Tig-TV
* Words

Link to Us ( ):



Welcome to 'The Cat's Out of the Bag' eZine.  As the title (hopefully) suggests, this all sprung from the idea to have a fiction challenge where Smallville's intrepid reporter, Chloe Sullivan, found out that Clark Kent is a big, super- powered alien.

Well of course, Paperbkryter and Regina promptly talked me not into doing just another fiction challenge but a full-blown eZine with fiction, art, and any other miscellaneous ideas we could possibly come up with in the two month time frame.

Thus the "Chloe Knows" Project was born.

Two months have come and gone, and now it's time to open-up this little project for business.  Of course, if it weren't for some key people it would of never even gotten off the ground.

- Thank you to the group of authors (Maveness,  SullivanLane, Amy, Medie, Hope, Regina, JollyCynic, Huffy the Campfire Slayer, Wiccid Sister and Tara O'Shea ) who contributed wonderful fiction and supported this little project even when I got nervous about it.

- Also thanks to the artists (Lightstar Angel, Tigress35, mmac80, and also, Medie, Hope, Tara, and Regina again) who added their mad-artist skills to this and provided some of the most beautiful fan art ever.

- A special thank you to Paper for pushing me to do this and getting the ball rolling on the whole project.

- An extra special thank you to JollyCynic who helped me out with guestbooks because he knows code so much better than I and helped out when we got down to the wire, and constantly pushing me to finish and launch on time despite my want for perfection. 

- An incredibly extra special thank you to my partner in crime, Regina, who not only talked me in to it, provided art work, helped with the coding, and read through my attempts at fiction, but also came up with this entire gorgeous layout when I was struggling.   If it weren't for her, I'm sure this would of all folded upon itself long ago.

- And of course, to all my friends who (tried) to keep me sane about this eZine for the past two months while waiting and hoping that I could bring this project to fruition.  You guys just rock.

So, now that credit has been given accordingly, I again welcome you to 'The Cat's Out of the Bag' eZine; I hope you enjoy what we've done as much as we've enjoyed bringing it to you.

-- Chiriru (e, s)



All characters, references, and other things pertaining to 'Smallville' are property of the WB, DC Comics, Tollin-Robins,  Al Gough & Miles Millar, and J. Siegal & J. Shuster; we just borrowed them.  The writers and artists retain all rights to their creative works.  The layout was designed by Regina (e); the zine was named by Paperbkryter (e, s)  and hosted (and coded) by Chiriru.